It is interpreted that the School Sports liability principle includes the responsibility for fault principle, the principle of liability without fault, and fair principle of the responsibility. 阐释了学校体育侵权行为的归责原则,即过错责任原则、无过错责任原则、公平责任原则。
There are a number of instances in the law of liability without fault, besides those ( discussed in this chapter) which traditionally are collected under the heading "strict" or "absolute" liability. 除了那些传统上被归类为“严格”或“绝对”责任的情况(即本章中所讨论的)外,在无过错责任法中还存在其他一些情况。
In some ways, tort law can be summed up as: "No liability without fault, no fault without liability." 从某些方面看,侵权法可以被概括为:“无过错者不承担责任,不承担责任者无过错。”
Scholars have different opinions on the application of liability without fault. 其实无过失责任有相对无过失责任与绝对无过失责任之分。
Then it expatiates the crucial effects on the system of Industrial Injury Insurance in the treatment of the industrial accidents, according to the theories of "Principle of liability without fault" and the basic principles of the system of Industrial Injury Insurance. 再从无过错责任原则的理论依据、工伤保险制度的基本原则出发,阐述工伤保险在工伤事故处理中起到了至关重要的作用;
The emergence of environmental tort enforced the development of traditional imputation principles, and countries progressively took liability without fault as environmental tort imputation principle. 环境侵权的出现发展了传统侵权行为归责原则,各国逐步采用了无过错责任作为环境侵权的归责原则。
Tort Law faces the crisis coming from the renewal of liability without fault, the expansion of Contract Law, insurance system and social security, etc. Under this background, the duty of safety-guard is put on the agenda. 侵权法的危机来自无过失责任的复兴、债法的扩张、保险制度、社会保障等各个方面,安全保障义务制度的研究在这种背景下被提上日程。
The compensation liability of the lawyers 'practice is an integration of the liability for breach of contracts and liability for tort, so the doctrine of liability fixation embodies not only the doctrine of liability for wrongs but also the principle of liability without fault. 律师执业赔偿责任,是违约责任与侵权责任的竞合,因此,其归责原则体现了过错责任原则,也体现了无过错责任原则。
Its distinctive characteristics are liability without fault. 以无过错责任为其显著特征。
In the field of environmental damage compensation, the principle of liability without fault has developed into a basic imputation principle. 在环境损害赔偿领域,无过错责任原则已经成为一项基本归责原则。
As an imputing system, strict liability has long been accepted as a system of liability without fault. 严格责任作为归责制度,一直被理论界视为无过错责任原则。
Through the inspection of the history of the liability principle, the article confirm the principle of liability without fault is used in the damages for the environmental pollution has the foundation of society and law theory, so "illegal act" is eliminated in constitution requirements. 本文通过对环境污染赔偿归责原则产生的历史考察,证实在环境污染损害赔偿中无过失责任原则的适用存在其社会基础和法学理论基础,所以构成要件中排除了行为具有违法性的要件。
In the establishment of the certified accountant's civil responsibility-belonged principle, the special feature of independent auditing and protecting the consumer's interest should be considered. The liability with fault and liability without fault can solve this problem easily. 注册会计师民事责任归责原则的确定,应当同时考虑独立审计的特点和保护投资者利益两个方面,无过错责任均不和过错责任能很好地解决这一问题。
Rigid responsibility or liability without fault; 第四种是严格责任说或无过错责任说;
Improving the Application of Liability without Fault in Environmental Infringement 完善无过错责任在环境侵权领域中的运用
In civil lawsuit, the inversion of evidential is in accordance with the principle of liability without fault and constructive liability with fault, and it is the necessary expression of legislative idea of Civil Procedure Act of our country. 在民事诉讼中实行举证责任倒置,是与民事实体法规定的无过错责任原则和过错推定责任原则相适应的,也是我国民事诉讼法立法思想的必要体现。
At the same time, our country refer the principle of liability for fault, although many scholars propose the principle of liability without fault applying in the infringement of intellectual property. 我国法律规定的侵权归责是过错责任原则,尽管有许多学者也提出了知识产权侵权的无过错责任的理论。
The principle of liability without fault is implemented in the liability for breach of medical contract. It is the principle of liability for fault but not liability without fault or liability for fairness is implemented in tort responsibility. 医疗违约责任实行无过错责任原则,医疗侵权责任实行过错责任原则,无过错责任原则和公平责任原则不能作为医疗侵权责任的归责原则。
Section three talks about the complexity of environment tort and the challenge the principle of liability without fault facing. 第三部分对环境侵权的复杂性及无过错责任原则面临的挑战作了论述。
What is to apply the principle of liability without fault, or the application of fair liability principle. 到底是适用无过错责任原则,还是适用公平责任原则。
Environmental tort liability system is the core responsibility principle, based on the special nature of environmental tort and environmental tort should be attributable to the original principle of liability without fault. 环境侵权的民事责任制度的核心是归责原则,基于环境侵权的特殊性,环境侵权的归责原应该是无过错责任原则。
On motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles, traffic accidents between pedestrians, China established a motor vehicle shall bear the principle of liability without fault. 对机动车与非机动车、行人之间的交通事故,我国确立了由机动车一方承担无过错赔偿责任的原则。
The author protests that the damage compensation of industrial injury accident should follow the principle of liability without fault, and apply advisably the principle of fault liability. 主张工伤事故损害赔偿应采用无过错责任原则,并适当引入对工人的过错责任原则。
For applicable principle of attribution, contributory negligence is not only applicable to the general torts with the principle of fault liability, but also applicable to the special torts with the principle of liability without fault. 在适用的归责原则方面,过失相抵不仅适用于以过错责任为原则的一般侵权行为中,也可以适用于无过错责任为原则的特殊侵权行为中。
Principle of liability without fault has special stipulations on the applicable objects; it does not take the faults of the person causing the injury into consideration. Tortious act has the characteristics of the injurious act, damage and the causal relationship between them. 无过错责任原则具有适用对象特别规定,不考虑加害人的过错,侵权行为由侵害行为、损害及二者之间的因果关系构成的特征。
The civil liability of nuclear facility operator is constituted on the foundation of three core principles which are principle of liability without fault, principle of compensation liability concentration and principle of liability limit. 核设施经营者的民事责任是基于三大核心原则所构成,即无过错责任原则、赔偿责任集中原则和责任限制原则,并涉及免责事由,诉讼时效等相关问题。
The author passes pair of reliance interest damages defined and its related responsibility comparison analysis, to extract the principle of liability without fault and other independent factors, the reliance interest damages as a kind of independent civil liability forms to study. 笔者通过对信赖利益损害赔偿责任的界定及其与相关责任的比较分析,提炼出无过错归责原则等独立性因素,将信赖利益损害赔偿责任作为一种独立的民事责任形式来研究。
The article, in the analysis of tort law rules of the maritime traffic accidents personal injury compensation relief, maritime traffic belonging to a highly dangerous special tort liability, applies the principle of liability without fault. 文章在分析我国水上交通事故人身损害赔偿救济的侵权法规则后,认为水上交通事故属于高度危险型特殊侵权责任,适用无过错责任原则。
Considering the weak position of subjects, tort liability in human trials should take the principle of liability without fault, to urge researchers protect subjects 'interests. 鉴于受试者的弱势地位,笔者认为人体试验侵权责任应采取无过错责任归责原则,以督促研究者保护受试者利益。
Liability without fault can protect the victims of nuclear accidents better. 归责原则采用无过错责任可以更好地保护核事故中的受害人。